Legal notice

Legal notice regarding

Photo credits : Stabilisation Protection, Ltd

Copyright (Intellectual Property)

The general structure of the website is the property of Stabilisation Protection and AGC. All texts, images (animated or other), and elements comprising the service offered are the property of Stabilisation Protection. Any reproduction, even partial, of any part of this website in any format is strictly forbidden without the express prior agreement of a company representative.

Copies may be made of documents from the site for information purposes only and are strictly for personal use only. Any depiction or reproduction of this website, by any means, will be considered an infringement of copyright under articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Code de la propriete intellectuelle (French legislation regarding intellectual property).


The links featured on this website are provided for information purposes only. Under no circumstances can Stabilisation Protection be held responsible for either their contents and terms of use or the use to which they may be put and the possible consequences.

Representatives of referred sites wishing to modify how their product(s) is/are represented on this website should contact the webmaster by email. Conversely, links to one or several page(s) of the present website are authorised on the proviso that the webmaster is informed.

Stabilisation Protection reserves the right to request that links be removed at its own discretion and without the need to justify its decision.


All brand names quoted on this website are registered trademarks and are the property of their respective depositaries.

Si les responsables d’un site " cible " souhaitent modifier leur mode de présence sur ce site, ils peuvent en faire la demande en adressant un email auprès du webmaster. A l’inverse, les liens vers une ou plusieurs page(s) du présent site sont autorisés sous la condition d’en informer le webmaster.

Stabilisation Protecetion se réserve le droit de demander de retirer les liens à sa discrétion sans devoir en justifier la raison.

Notre site Stabilisation Protection est listé dans la catégorie Bâtiments et travaux publics : Travaux en hauteur de l’annuaire WRI.

Marques déposées

Toutes les marques citées sur ce site appartiennent à leurs dépositaires respectifs.