Risques naturels

Articles de cette rubrique

  • Rock nailingLire la suite de «Rock nailing»

    , par clem

    Anchorage maintenance involves the installation of a steel anchor system to stabilise a boulder to protect zones downhill of it, on a precautionary basis. Installation of rock nailing
    Rock faces can be covered in ASM (anti-submarine) or double twisted netting through the use of rock nailing (...)

  • Rope access workLire la suite de «Rope access work»

    , par clem

    Rope access teams are used when there is a need to reach areas that are difficult or impossible to access with machinery for lifting. Rope access services worldwide
    Stabilisation Protection provides rope access teams worlwide to carry out civil engineering repair programmes as well as (...)

  • Rock blastingLire la suite de «Rock blasting»

    , par clem

    The work of blasting rock and boulders is designed to meet the need to protect road networks and housing from boulders situated above them. Blasting procedure :
    The company deals with all stages of the blasting process, from the drilling of the rock and the establishment of systems of (...)

  • Minage de blocsLire la suite de «Minage de blocs»

    , par clem

    Les travaux de minage de blocs répondent à un besoin de protection du réseau routier ou de bâtiments à usage d’habitation contre un bloc menaçant situé en amont. Procédé pour les travaux de minage
    L’entreprise prend en charge l’ensemble des travaux de minage, des travaux de forage à la mise en place de la (...)